What is Casein? Learn the Definition of Casein Protein, Its Characteristics and Uses.
Definition of Casein
Casein (also known as casein protein) is a phosphoprotein found in cows milk and cheese. Casein is one of two primary proteins in dairy, …
Casein (also known as casein protein) is a phosphoprotein found in cows milk and cheese. Casein is one of two primary proteins in dairy, …
Dear Fitness Nerd,
Can you explain exactly what a complete protein is? Im 23 and pretty into fitness, working out, etc. I lift …
Total body workouts (also known as full …
Bread made without flour? Out of sprouted grains, legumes and seeds? This couldnt possibly taste good, could it?
In the past, Ive sung …
Dear Fitness Nerd,
One of the guys at the gym recommended drinking raw eggs in place …
When it comes to healthy fitness foods, oatmeal and oats are the undisputed champions of whole grains.
Inexpensive, loaded …
Protein bars have gone mainstream. No longer found solely in the bottom of bodybuilders gym bags, protein bars are now turning …
Milk it does a body good has a new meaning for people looking to add …
Whey protein seems to be everywhere.
One of the top selling (and most heavily-marketed) nutritional and sports supplements on the market today, whey protein turns up as …