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Category: Ask The Fitness Nerd

How Many Calories Should I Eat To Lose Weight?

Looking to lose weight, but not sure how many calories you should eat to achieve your goal? Its actually not that hard if you know what to do.


Dear Fitness Nerd,

My New Years Resolution this year is to lose

How Many Calories Are Burned Weight Lifting?

Can You Burn Meaningful Calories Lifting Weights?


Dear Fitness Nerd,Man Lifting Weights on Bench Press Burning Calories During Workout

How many calories are burned during weight lifting? I ask because I lift weight 5-6 days a week, but really hate doing cardio. If Im trying to keep body

Is Instant Oatmeal Good For You?

Is Instant Oatmeal a Good Stand-In for Old Fashioned Oatmeal, Quick Oats or Thick Rolled Oats? You Might Be Surprised At The Answer.

Dear Fitness Nerd,instant-oatmeal-in-spoon

I dont mind oatmeal, but Im kind of rushed in the morning and preparing

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Whats The Best Time to Drink Protein Shakes?

When should you drink a protein shake? Today we tackle the question of whats the best time to reach for that protein shake.


Dear Fitness Nerd: Stawberry_Protein_Shake

Ive read a lot about the benefits of protein shakes, especially when it

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What Is BMI?

What is BMI and is it an Accurate Measure of Weight and Health?

Dear Fitness Nerd,

Can you explain exactly what BMI is? I recently bought a Wii Fit and according to the BMI calculation Im fat! I checkedWhat is BMI some

What Is A Complete Protein? Complete vs Incomplete Proteins

Completely Confused About Complete Proteins? Learn What A Complete Protein Is and How Balance Your Protein Intake

Complete Incomplete Proteins

Dear Fitness Nerd,Picture of Complete Protein Foods and Incomplete Protein Foods

Can you explain exactly what a complete protein is? Im 23 and pretty into fitness, working out, etc. I lift

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Are Raw Eggs Safe To Eat? | Ask The Fitness Nerd

Is eating raw eggs healthy, or even safe? Just because Rocky did it, doesnt mean you should be using raw eggs in your diet.


Dear Fitness Nerd,

One of the guys at the gym recommended drinking raw eggs in place

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What Are MUFAs?

Whats a MUFA? The Fitness Nerd explains what this funny acronym means and why MUFAs are suddenly the rage among dieters.

What Are MUFAs?

Dear Fitness Nerd:

What are MUFAs? I keep hearing people talk about them, but I still havent quite figured

Negative Calorie Foods: Fact or Fiction?

Are Negative Calorie Foods for Real or Just A Bunch of Diet Hot Air? The Fitness Nerd Separates Fact from the Fiction Around Negative Calorie Diets.

Negative Calorie FoodsDear Fitness Nerd,

Whats your opinion on negative calorie foods? Ive read that certain

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Creatine and High Blood Pressure

Can Creatine increase your blood pressure? The Fitness Nerd takes a closer look.

Hello Fitness Nerd,

I was inquiring into the possible connection between creatine use, and high blood pressure. 

I had been using creatine for about 4 weeks, not

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